Support Us

Support Us


We do not actively fundraise but are always delighted to hear from anyone who would like to support our work. 

Some of our supporters do not have the time to source and monitor charitable giving themselves, and use us an efficient way of making sure that their charitable donations fund effective, sustainable business models. Others like to co-invest alongside us, relying on our judgement and due diligence. Obviously, we do not charge a fee for either service. 

All of the charities we support could do more if they had more. If you are interested in supporting any of them directly, or them and others indirectly via a donation to our Foundation, we would be delighted to hear from you. 


All of the charities we support would benefit from more support and help.

That might be managerial (legal, Human Resources and digital marketing support are the most common requests) or at the front line of what they are doing. The charities we have supported operate in multiple locations across England (nothing yet in Scotland or Wales) and we would gladly connect you with someone or something local.  

If you have the time and desire to help please let us know the sort of thing you would be interested in helping with, and we would be pleased to connect you with one of the charities we support, who would be enormously grateful for your arms, legs and experience.


If you are interested in supporting our work in either of the ways above - or indeed any other - please email
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